Marrins' Moving

5 Tips for an Easier Office Moving Day

5 Tips To An Easier Office Moving DayGreat news! Your business is doing well. You’re hiring more people and expanding your operations! But where are you going to put all those new employees? On the other hand, what if you need to scale back your offices? Maybe you are going smaller because more of your employees are working from home or you are aiming to retire soon.

Whatever the reason, moving your office can sometimes be even more complicated than moving your home. Why? Because when you move your office, you are moving the work lives of multiple people and everyone has their own preferences and organizational systems. The key to moving your office will be in preparing for the move ahead of time. Making sure that sure everyone understands the move, why you’re moving, and what’s waiting for them on the other side is crucial to a less stressful move.

1. Appoint One Person

Appointing one person to be in charge is essential to a successful move. A point person can work with department heads and the local moving company to get everything organized. Furthermore, having one person in charge of all moving details means that there’s less confusion from the start. This person can be responsible for sending out the emails regarding the move and getting everyone on board at the right time.

2. Have Moving “Kits” Available for Employees

Talk with your moving company to make moving kits for all of your employees. Each employee is going to have different needs. Some might have more paper materials than others while others may have more electronics. It’s important that everyone feels like they have the materials they need to effectively move their workspace. Give everyone enough boxes, plus zipper storage bags for cords, Sharpie markers for labeling, and plenty of tape. If you can, develop a labeling system and have the point person describe the best way for employees to label their items. For example, you could have everyone label their boxes with their last name, their department, and then the type of item in the box, such as: SMITH – ACCOUNTING – COMP CORDS.

3. Consult With Professionals

Moving a lot of electronics can be tricky business. With a lot of monitors, computers, TVs, and other job-specific electronics, you will want to make sure they’re carefully moved. Professional moving companies that specialize in office moving can be invaluable in the planning process. Planning an office move should begin about six months before the move, especially if the purchase of property is taking place. In addition to all of the moving issues, there will also be utilities to set up, parking to sort out, and plenty of other needs for your office. Be sure that your point person is comfortable talking with all of the different people involved.

4. Get Insurance

Talk with the moving company about the type of insurance they have for your office’s items. Make sure you see the policies involved for both item coverage as well as transportation and worker’s compensation. You don’t want to be liable if anyone gets hurt during the move. Workers’ comp insurance is required by law, but some small and medium-sized moving companies still don’t have it, which is why it’s important that you ask.

5. Let Everybody Know

Make sure you let all of your clients or customers know where you are going and when! It’s important that you change all of your stationery, labels, business cards, brochures, or any other paper items you have in addition to your website info and email signatures for all of your employees. You’ll also need to alert other businesses you deal with, especially if there is a phone number change. However, wait until the move is just around the corner to make this happen.  You don’t want to alert clients too soon and have them going to the wrong place!

Moving your offices can seem like a daunting task, but with preplanning and the help of the love moving professional Marrins Moving, you’ll have a less stressful move ahead of you. Communication with all parties will be the most critical piece of the puzzle. Be sure you listen to all of your employees and their concerns, as well as the concerns of everyone involved. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll be ready to tackle anything!

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